Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sisterly love

Even after 6 weeks of having her brother here at home with us, she still seems to think he is pretty great. Every morning when she wakes up she wants to know where he is and what he is doing. She likes to hold him everyday, but not for very long. She loves talking to him. When he cries she says "It's ok little buddy". The other day Iwas washing bottles and he was on the table in his carseat and he was crying so Lauren climbed up in the chair, gave him his pacifier and rocked the carseat back and forth until he stopped crying. It was pretty sweet, and I didn't have to stop what I was doing.

1 comment:

Nathan and Megan said...

Precious, Kim! Lauren LOVES Luke. That is obvious! Great times you are having- love that you're documenting them here!