Thursday, March 19, 2015

Artful Designs

Amy, I, and Mom took Lauren and Nick to Artful designs to paint pottery.  It was great fun.  They really enjoyed it.

Blast from the past

Class of 1997!!!  Wendy Annie Heather Nikki, Katie, Erin, Me, Katie.  It was so good seeing these girls over Christmas Break.  I can't believe high school was 18 years ago!!  We look pretty good for being so old!

New Years

Here we are again ringing in the new year with our brute of least there are 5 girls this time.
Girls just want to have fun!
and while the girls have fun the boys steal the girls phone and take horrible pictures!!!
We were able to go home a little early and hang with the neighbors.
Luke passed out at midnight with dog.  It's a boxer.  Cuddled up right next to him.

Love hate relationship

These 2 have a love hate relationship as I'm sure most siblings do.  One minute they are loving each other and getting along the next minute they are tattling and yelling.  Most mornings before Lauren goes across the street Lauren will give Lukie a kiss.  And if she forgets Luke will remind her.  They play together pretty well when they want to.  Lauren can be very helpful and sweet when she wants to.  And Luke can be easy to get along with and nice when he wants to.  They love to sleep together in Lukie's room or the toy room.  Which we limit to just weekends.  They also love doing things without each other.  If one of them goes to Nana's or grandmas the others say "without Luke right!!"  "without Lauren right!!"

Christmas at the new house

And the children are nestled all snug in their beds.  I love peeking at them on Christmas eve as they sleep so peacefully waiting for Santa to come.  I love how Luke is snuggling with Santa and Lauren has gone to sleep with a stroller.

Wow I think we got them too much!  And I thought I toned it down this year.  Lauren got some baby stuff and a riding toy.  Luke got a truck pulling motorcycles and a bouncy ball horse.  Both kids got roller skates, art supplies, and clothes.

Even Peanut got in on the fun.

Christmas with Friends

Our neighbors behind us decided to come over and do some Christmas baking.  The kids enjoyed it and did a good job of helping.  And the treats turned out very good.

All my high school girl friend were able to come over after Christmas for a play date.  Heather and Miles, Katie and Thomas, Katie and Alexa, Wendy and her girls, Annie and her boys, Erin and her girls and Me and my kids.  We ate pizza and had fun catching up.  The kids did great playing together.
And our Annual Christmas get together with all my teacher friends.  Bridget and her kids, Katie and her boys, Steph and her kids, Annie and her boys, Kerri and her boys, Megan and her boys, and Me and mine.  Notice how well Luke is cooperating.  Considering all those boys they do a pretty good job behaving themselves.  And those 3 little girls stick together like glue!

Family Christmas

During December Amy and I and some friends collect socks to take in to the nursing home to give out and then we carol around the nursing home.  This is very special to my dad and the kids really enjoy it.
Christmas at mom's!
Christmas at the Stille's

Santa and his elves

Both kids were super excited to see Santa this year.  Both knew what they wanted to ask for (Lauren a baby doll and Luke a truck pulling motorcycles)  When we got there they went up together and sat right on his lap for a bit and talked with him.  It was so cute.

My cute little elves!
This was the Santa at the Parkview Inn.  He sings a really bad Christmas song when you push the button on his hand.  The kids kept pushing it and dancing.  Good thing there were not too many people in there at the time.

My Artists

Both kids are finally to the age of enjoying craft time.  Lauren could paint, draw, or color for hours.  Luke attends for a pretty good amount of time for a 3 year old!  We painted ornaments, sun catchers, and pictures.  And then we made an art gallery to displace our great works.

Luke's Christmas Program

This post is X rated so read at your own risk!  These pictures are from Luke's Christmas Program.  Luke is in K3 at Calvary.  And since I've been to this Christmas program 3 times now I know that usually the K3 group steals the show with their erratic behavior.  For several weeks prior I talked to him about appropriate behavior (No picking your nose, no pulling or taking off your clothes, No stepping on your friends feet, No punching, hitting or kicking).  So my little Lukie stood up there so nicely singing and when he thought of getting out of line he looked at me and I gave him the evil eye and he straightened right up.  I was, at this point, a very proud mama.  He was doing such a nice job while the rest of the children were running a muck.  So a few more songs in IT happened.  First it was a little innocent stroke from a little girl on his shoulder, then it was a hand gesture, who is taller than who.  I guess he took this as the green light so he moved in for the kill.  He wrapped his arms all the way around her in a full embrace and planted a very long sweet kiss on her lips!!!  The whole church roared laughing.  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Christmas pictures

I know I know it's almost Spring Break and I am posting Christmas pictures!  We had  great Christmas season.  Lots of dressing up and playing.  Lauren is reading a book to peanut.  We loved decorating the new house.  Or should I say I loved decorating the new house.