Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

As you can see we had to get a new tree for Lauren's room. We went to Walmart one day with Grandma and Daddy. She saw the pink tree and wanted it so Grandma bought it for her. In the store Craig pretended to read the side of the package and said "oh look it says here it is fire resistent so it won't catch on fire". That was good enough for Lauren she will turn these lights on now. The other tree I took to school so it all worked out.

Lauren was great help this year with the tree. She handed me each branch as I put the tree up and then I sat on the couch and handed her every ornament to put on the tree. I had to get up a couple times to move the chair to a new spot. She loved decorating and wanted to know about each ornament. It took alllll weekend to do this but so worth every minute. She loved doing it, I didn't have to do it, and it was a great bonding experience. I love christmas so much. I just wish my husband did. He wants nothing to do with this stuff. Thats why we did it when he was at class.

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