Having 2 kids has been a huge adjustment.... one of them always needs something. My days of naps are over because if I can get both of them in their rooms quiet or sleeping which almost never happens, I have a million things to wash, clean or do. When Luke cries, Lauren screams. Lauren is in time out for the 4th time since she has been home and Luke is fussing for no reason. Lauren just spilled milk all over the kitchen floor and Luke just spit up all over the 3rd outfit of the day. When I am feeding Luke, Lauren wants a drink. After I have changed Luke's diaper for the 3rd time in an hour, Lauren has just crapped her pants. I finally get both kids to sleep and I drift off to sleep for maybe a couple of hours, if I'm lucky 4 hours (which has only happened 5 or 6 times). It's 1:30 in the morning, I just finished pumping and feeding Luke, and I am drifting off to sleep again when I hear a little voice "Mommy".....thats when I smack Craig and say "Your turn". I don't know how single parents do it!!! Laundry, dishes, bottle washing, fixing dinner, cleaning up dinner, bathes, and picking up toys is a daily job. I am having a hard enough time keeping up with all the tasks and I'm not working. I don't know how it will all get done when I am working. I guess it just will....or it won't....or I will just go crazy.
But I wouldn't have it any other way....I love my babies!!!
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