Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ice skating

We went ice skating after christmas. Word of advise.....don't ever take 2 year old ice skating!!
Lauren is really cordinated and has great balance so I thought we should try it. We were doing pretty good at first, I was holding her hands and we were moving very slowly but we were moving and she loved it. Then my back started to hurt from bending over and then she started getting tired so I picked her up and the guy that worked there said we couldn't do that so I put her down and she was upset because she didn't want to do any of the work any more she wanted me to hold her and skate so she threw a horrible fit...which is not like her. So I took her out to take her skates off and she proceeded to cry and run away from me she hit a glass wall and fell to the floor while everyone stared at us.
I know its hard to believe when you look at this sweet innocent little girl

Maybe we will try it again when she is 3 we are taking daddy with us next time.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hilarious story although I am sure it was anything but funny at the time!!! She'll enjoy hearing it when she gets older. At least you got some ADORABLE pictures...her little outfit plus the skates is too cute!! She is a doll baby. Even if she does run into glass walls! LOL!